Is "Column Text" item a more developed version of "Visual Editor" item?

edited December 2021 in BeBuilder


Is "Column Text" item a more developed version of "Visual Editor" item?

Will "Visual Editor" item be obsolete with this additional item?

I wanted to find out the differences of these 2 blocks online, but could not find anything about it.

Is there any documentation online about the new BeTheme items?

Best regards and thank you in advance


Addendum: just found out, that there is no visual editor functionality with "Column Text" ... which seems to be a big difference.


  • Hello,

    Column Text is for people who like writing all HTML tags, styling, etc., on their own. This item has syntax highlighting, showing where tags are placed incorrectly, or something is missing. Moreover, it has a feature that allows putting shortcodes with a few clicks and without fulfilling it by hand.

    Visual editor, I would say, is for less experienced in HTML and CSS people. It is similar to standard text editors, and it automatically shows how the text will look with all formating. It also has a mode that shows all tags and CSS, but it does not have syntax highlighting.

    But after all, it is up to you which one you prefer, and with which one you work better.

    If you are undecided, I recommend adding these items on some testing page and comparing all functionalities.

    Best regards

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