Variation relation broken

Hello everyone. We have a problem with a WooCommerce website.

We have managed to find the main cause and it's the theme.

You can find here the original website:

Here the staging website without BeThemes:

In the last select menu, you will see in the first case we have all the variations possible. In the second case, only the selected one. We suppose we have some issues when a product have too many variation inside.

How we can proceed? Thanks!


  • Hello,

    Variations for free themes work differently than for Betheme.

    Changing it would require file modification, but we do not provide help with such customization.

    However, I have passed this information to the dev team, and we will take a closer look at it.


  • Hello, before the last update, everything works fine. The issues appear recently.

  • The site was working until a few days ago. In these days, new variants have been added and the theme updated.

    The problem concerns the variations which, with Bethemes, are now disassociated from each other, while with other themes the association works.

    You can test it with those two links. The variants are the same. In the first case everything works correctly. In the second case, all variants without filters are loaded.

  • As I said, I have passed this information to the dev team, and we will take a closer look at it.

    We will try to resolve this as soon as possible.


  • In order to help you we have fixed downgrading to 21.7.4

    The bug was present on 25.1.7

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