quantity and add to cart not below order total after update

After updating the theme (not sure which update, it has been updated a couple of times before noticing) it has been noticed that the quantity and add to cart buttons/sections are no longer showing below the price/order total. instead they are off to the ride of the product info/options.

example seen on this page: https://infamouscompany.ca/?product=accursed-2

it does this for variable and simple products. for simple products it's off to the right of the order total

example of simple product: https://infamouscompany.ca/?product=t-shirt-charcole

Can't see any custom css that would be causing this to be out of place. and prior to updates it was showing below the order total for both variable and simple products.

custom css to resolve this would be fantastic. I didn't want to mess around too much since by default these items should show below the product price/order total, not beside. thought it best to make a ticket for this before getting too deep into it.


  • Hello,

    Please, turn off all of the plugins, refresh your cache, and check if the problem persists.

    In the website source I can see that this part is modified by some plugin, and I need to ensure that.

    Moreover, if you use a child theme, switch to parent, and recheck it.


  • I don't have any child themes,

    position of the quantity and add to cart buttons seems to be affected by:


    it groups the two items into a wrapper that sends them off to the right. you can edit css to drop it below but I can't seem to come up with something that works universally across all products and scenarios. custom css is not my expertise. I can fumble my way through it but there's a limit to how far I can take it since I'm not the best with coding, systems admin/engineering is my focus.

    I can get it to a point with your suggestions when the Yith product add-ons plugin is disabled where it displays correctly. but unclear why updating betheme broke it. it's positioning was good prior. We're not entitled to Yith updates anymore so we didn't update that plugin, only betheme.

    if you can see some css that would work, I'm all for a css patch to this.

  • This plugin is not on the list of supported ones, so we do not focus on adjusting modifications to it when we make any changes. However, sometimes, our modifications can interfere with the plugin.

    Unfortunately, I cannot see any CSS that could work in that case. However, you can try to contact the YITH author instead.

    Best regards

  • okay no worries. thanks for taking it as far as you can take it and for trying to take a look at it. I'll try to work with Yith to see if they can do anything

  • I hope they will be able to help you.

    If is there anything else, I can help you with, please, let me know.


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