Big upgrade: v.17 to v.25

I haven't updated my BeTheme template in a while, like two years. It is at v. 17.5 now. Would there be any concerns about upgrading it to the current v. 25.1.8? Thank you.


  • Hello,

    Version 17.5 is an old one. So, first of all, before the update, I suggest creating a backup of your website with the Duplicator plugin.

    Moreover, I do not know what plugins you are using and if you modified the theme files or the database. However, if you use only supported plugins and did not interfere with the files, the update should not cause any problems.

    If after the update you will notice that the fonts are tiny, open and save theme options, after that this issue should be gone.

    When you update your theme and notice any issues, please let me know to help you resolve them.


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