Woocommerce Shortcodes not showing on widget sidebars

Hi, i need some help about using woocommerce shotcodes on widget sidebars, i place a text widget and inside the product shortode but doesnt show.
I checked the functions.php and it has the funtion add_filter( 'widget_text', 'do_shortcode' );, but still shortcode not work, the one i´m trying to use is [products ids="1, 2, 3, 4, 5"].

I really appreciate your help about this. Besides of that i will like to add a touch gesture to the sidemenu if possible to do that?? please let me know.



  • Hey,

    products widget is standard WooCommerce widget and it is not related with theme. So what exactly does not work and where we can check this?

    About 2nd question, it is unfortunately not possible to add touch gesture to the sidemenu.
  • Hi thanks for your answer, im creating blog articles and each one i have a different sidebar, the idea its call from that article specific products by id from the woocommerce store, wich brings the product page, title and price. The problem is the shotcode i paste inside the text widget in that sidebar doesn´t show at all, but if i used the woocommerce product widget by default on the widget area it works, but doesn´t let me to choose by id, thats why im trying to use the shortcode on text widget.

    This a blog article:

    Thanks in advance
  • As we see, there is completely nothing in html what means that this shortcode can't be accepted by WooCommerce sidebar. You can ask plugin's author if is possible to use this shortcode in sidebar but we think that it won't be possible.
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