Colors for "Testimonials

Where are the controls for background color in testimonals?

It's so easy to edit the text and color but I can't find where the color assignment is for the testimonial options like author, or links?


  • Hi,

    Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.

    It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot showing what you are referring to.


  • Sorry about that, -

    I can't find where the background or author's name are being assigned colors.

    I'm using "testimonials and these are assigned to the default slide template.

    my installed version is 6.5.14

  • To change this color you will have to write a custom CSS code, and place it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.

    Do you need help with writing it?

    Best regards

  • Yes please, I am very limited in my CSS knowledge, I just thought it was strange because all I did was edit the testimonials. I thought there might be a place to globally set the colour.

  • Please, use the following code:

    1. .testimonials_slider .slick-slide .author a{
    2.    color: #052137!important;
    3. }


  • Hello Phill

    I was able to make some changes in the Theme Options Custom CSS area, I am really not a coder but I can hack my way about in this area and understand the basic things I'm changing, but this is still NOT changing the colour in the slider. author, I've made changes in this area like font sizes, and I've checked the testimonials input but did not find any clues...

    Here's the CSS part:

    and here's the COLOUR that I can't find where this is assigned.

    I don't mind editing the CSS as long as I can find the proper gubbin...

  • Oh my, And now I've gone and broken the testimonial slider, my background is now white..

    I just tried to add a colour to "button the-icon slider_prev slick-arrow"

  • OK.... restored the old CSS file so I'm back to where I was earlier, - still trying to find the assignment for slider buttons and author, and now I can't find the colour definition for the Company name in the footer. I will check through all the CSS settings today.

  • edited February 2022

    I've found most of the colour controls using Theme Options,

    ***Fixed the author with your code - THANK YOU

    It's just those pesky arrows in the testimonial slider now....

    Where can you edit the speed of the default testimonial slider?

    The sliders in Revolution 6 are easy to work with, I just can't find where it is.

  • These buttons takes styles from Betheme -> Theme options -> Global -> Buttons.

    If you would like to change them with a custom CSS, you will have to use the following one:

    1. .testimonials_slider .button{
    2.    background-color: #123456!important;
    3.  color: #987654!important;
    4. }


  • Thank you Phil!

    that was it... I thought I searched through all the places for colour, but i missed that one.

    thanks again!

  • edited February 2022

    You are welcome.

    However, there is a new version of our Builder, BeBuilder, where you can style such buttons without writing any CSS.

    I recommend checking this out. ?

    Best regards

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