Change product nº in archive pages - Not loading in Safari


When I want to change the product nº/page in the archive product page in Safari, it doesn't work. The pictures don't load, only the product title and price.

I'd appreciate some help.




  • Hello,

    Please, turn off all of the plugins, refresh your cache, and check if the problem persists.

    Moreover, if you use a child theme, switch to parent, and recheck it.


  • Hi,

    I've done all you recommended, but the problem persists (only in Safari).



  • I have checked that on the safari, and it works correctly for me.

    Please, clear your browser cache, turn off your browser extensions (if you have any), and see if the problem persists.


  • Hi,

    Sorry, it doesn't work for me. I have not extensions and I cleared the cache.

    The page loads fine. The problem comes when changing the display nº (from 48 to 24 or to any other different nº), product images don't load, only title and price.


  • Yes, I have tested it that way by changing the product number, but it worked correctly on two devices with Safari.

    Does it happen on all category pages? Do you have the newest version of Safari?

    Best regards

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