Content Background Color


Is there a way to make the white content color completely transparent? I have tried everything from removing the color within the theme's options, to adding custom coding & nothing is working. No matter what I've tried, it stays white.

I just want to have rows on the page, broken into 1/3 + 2/3 with an image in which one. I will have multiple rows like this down the page alternating 1/3 + 2/3 & 2/3 +1/3 and so on. I want the background image to be seen in between the spaces of these blocks.

Right now, I have the theme set to Boxed, the image is in the background, my rows are in place but all I see is a white background from top to bottom. I don't want that white background (or any other color) to show up at all.

Thank you,



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