Betheme Header Builder customization

I am now using the Header Builder Plugin for our website. I already read the documentation, but didnt find some important point regarding the customization of the header.

I would like to do 3 things in the header builder header:

1.) Background transparency

Where can I set the background transparency? In the "normal" Header of betheme there is an option.

2.) Width of Menu

I have the problem, that the width of the menu in the second level is limited and so there are ugly linebreaks. In the "normal" header i could define the width with css. How can I set the width of the menu in the header builder?

3.) Popup for Button

When setting a Button in the Header Builder, I only can define a hyperlink as target. How can I set/define a Popup window, when a user clicks the button in the header?

Thanks for your help!

Best Regards



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