help editing the sport theme
I am having trouble changing the following things:
  1. The navigation menu has a dotted green divider under the navigation. How can I change the color and style of this divider or remove it?
  2. The navigation has dotted green dividers next to each menu link. How can I change the color and style of this divider or remove it?
  3. The navigation menu has a green bar that appears over each link. I changed the menu hover link color, but the green bar still appears over each menu link. How do I change this color?


  • Hi,

    1. To change this divider, please use below css:
    #Top_bar:not(.is-sticky) {
        border-bottom: 3px dotted #FFF !important;
    2. This is an image and you and you can change this with below code:
    #Top_bar:not(.is-sticky) .menu > li > a span:not(.description) { background: url('PATH-TO-IMAGE') !important; }
    3. This can be done with below css:
    .header-transparent #Top_bar .menu > li > a::after { background: #000 !important; }
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