Background image - to Contents Page

  1. How can the theme , instead of a color Select a background image for the content pages ?
    I think, unfortunately, only a background image for the boxed view !


  • Hi,

    please try to explain one more time what you need because we do not understand what you are talking about.
    1. I want on my side - the area that is currently decorated with a delicate pink cream color . Decorate ( as JPEG or PNG file ) are happy with a texture .
  • If you mean background color for #Content, then you can change it's color with below css:
    1. #Wrapper, #Content { background-color: #000 !important; }
    P.S. We appreciate if you can write messages the same way as other users. It is really unnecessary to leave the messages with this horrible yellow background and custom font style.

  • Thanks for the answer! but my question is how I take a color! a texture (ie an image file as the background) can use.

    PS I have my question, incidentally, just written - without consciously choose a font or background color. I'm sorry
  • #Wrapper, #Content { background-color: #000 !important; }

    using the code above, i was able to change the color of the background.  is there a way to make that only apply to the homepage and not to any of the other pages?
  • @Andybln Please explain on screenshot what you exactly want to do because we are still not sure about what you mean.

    @sqemunky Yes, it is possible. You must add .home class before each declaration. So the code should look as below:
    1. .home #Wrapper, .home #Content { background-color: #000 !important; }
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