portfolio filter style

Hello, I'm using Demo print2. I entered my Portfolio using the BeBuilder. I just don't like the CSS style of the filters, I would like to have it like that of this theme that is always yours. Easier.

like this:


I tried entering the css manually, but I wanted to ask you if there was an option to do it.

/* Filters */

.onportfoliopage #Filters{text-align:center !important;}

.onportfoliopage #Filters .filters_buttons{background:none !important;padding:15px 0 !important;}

.onportfoliopage #Filters .filters_wrapper{margin-top:0 !important;}

.onportfoliopage #Filters .filters_wrapper ul{

overflow:visible !important;

display:inline-block !important;

border-bottom-width:1px !important;

border-style:solid !important;

 border-color: rgba(0,0,0,.08) !important;}

.onportfoliopage #Filters .filters_wrapper ul li{

width:auto !important;

margin:0 !important;}

.onportfoliopage #Filters .filters_wrapper ul li a{

background:none !important;

border:0 !important;

padding:14px 25px !important;

position:relative !important;}

.onportfoliopage #Filters .filters_wrapper ul li a:after{

content:"" !important;

display:none !important;

position:absolute !important;

left:0 !important;

bottom:-1px !important;

width:100% !important;

height:2px !important;

background:#9e4d3d !important;}

.onportfoliopage #Filters .filters_wrapper ul li.close a{

color:inherit !important;

padding:14px 15px !important;

width:auto !important;

border:0 !important;}

.onportfoliopage #Filters .filters_wrapper ul li a:hover,.style-simple #Filters .filters_wrapper ul li.current-cat a{background:none !important;color:inherit !important;}

.onportfoliopage #Filters .filters_wrapper ul li.current-cat a:after{display:block !important;}

.onportfoliopage #Filters .filters_wrapper ul li a:hover,#Filters .filters_wrapper ul li.current-cat a{text-decoration:none;color:#DF8050 !important;}


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