Your modern single product layout.


On my site if you look at the single product pages you will see I have chosen to use BeTheme's 'modern' layout with the product image at the top.

I love the design and the look of it, but the product image at the top is too tall. Is there any way to make the product image shorter in height?

If you look, at the moment I am using the css below to achieve the desired effect,

.woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper .woocommerce-product-gallery__image {top: -500px; }

The problem with this CSS though is the product image only shows the bottom part of the image, I want the section that is visible to show a strip in the middle of the product image, is this possible?


  • Hi,

    Can you explain that in more detail, please?

    I quite do not understand what stripe you want to have on your product page exactly.


  • Hi Phil, not a stripe, if you look at the top of my single product pages. I am using the modern woocommerce layout that is Betheme options.

    I'll try to say it clearer

    If you look you will see I have made the product image very narrow at the top of the page. I did this by setting the margin-top to -700px so it cuts off the top half of the product image. Is there a better way to make the product image narrower in height so the visible part of the product image is the top or middle?

  • Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean - when I disable the CSS you set, the whole imaage is visible correctly

    Do you want to disable the text which is above that image?


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