new content does not save
I have been trying to display some text and a map, however in the BeBuilder creator I can add text and a map element yet it does not display on the front end. When i go back to the BeBuilder, the content I tried to add does not save and has disappeared. Please see images below explaining in further detail. Thanks!
the new element I am trying to add is the text column on the right. Once I update and save, it will not show on the frontend.
This is a screencap from the front end showing that the newest added text column on the right is not displaying.
Once i return to the backend the text column on the right has disappeared completely and seems like it has not saved.
Please advise on how to resolve this! Thanks!
Please share with us your PHPINFO file. It's really necessary right now.
If you do not know how to do it, please check this topic:
Please find a link to the php info below, aswell as an attached copy.
PHP 8.1.5 - phpinfo() have a low max input time and max input vars values set on your server.
Please, contact your hosting provider, and ask to increase them: