Post Grid control


I am using an element called Post Grid to show a large group of data from our Portfolio. I can't find a way to edit the order of the categories listed when I activate the filtering control -

There are many controls inside the Post Grid element but what ever I change, the results are the same and it's an order that the client doesn't like.

When using the Filter option would there be a way to define the order of the categories so they will come up as ALL - Commercial - National - Residential - Long Island's East End?

I am spoiled by WPBakery's backend block editor, it's the only way I've learned to edit this previously built site. The more I see BeBuilder the more I wish I was able to use it to edit.

It would also be nice to be able to define the highlight colour with a hex-color code. Is there a CSS tag that I can specify the highlight color?



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