Pre-build section insert does not work
hen I am working in the Be Builder editor, the option to insert pre-build section does not work anymore.
When I click "insert" on the pre-build section I want to add, it seems to be loading and it says "done", but when I scroll through my page the section is not added.
Any suggestions on how to solve this problem?
This could mean that your license key is used on more than one domain. Please use the license manager to handle your license keys:
If you see (on our license manager) that your license key is registered on a single domain, then please disable all of the plugins and deregister that license key (through the BeTheme -> Dashboard).
After that, get into the license manager once more. If the license key is still claimed - deregister it. If it’s not, register it again on your domain (through the BeTheme -> Dashboard).
Thank you!! It worked!! :-)?