Näidis 1 - Kangakaubamaja
I have this plugin activated, but somehow betheme overrides these options. It does not use the decimal steps that i set. When i turn to on the Storefront theme then it works. How can i set it so that betheme also uses these values.
Can you tell me the name of this plugin, and send a link to it, please?
Plugin is this one: https://wordpress.org/plugins/decimal-product-quantity-for-woocommerce/
Sorry, but we did not test this plugin with the theme. Our policy states that we do not support third-party plugins or custom code, so, unfortunately, we cannot help you.
Also, we cannot recommend any plugins other than the ones from the official WooCommerce website. You can find the link to it below:
Best regards
I now bought the smart quantity field from woocommerce, but the theme stills overrides the plugin settings
Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact and we will check what might be the reason.
Please attach a link to this forum discussion.
Sorry, but you did not attach FTP access.
Can you send a second message with it, please?
Remember also to attach a link to this forum discussion.
I sent the info.
We have fixed it for you.
This fix will be also included in the next update.
Best regards
Ok, thank you, what did you do?
Ok, it works almost, if you go up from 0.5 then at 0,79999 it goes like this
and when over 1. then it shows 1.400000
We had to adjust the theme files.
And we did again with the 0,7(9) issue.
Best regards
Ok, thank you.