HEADER and FOOTER templates translations with WPML aren't recognised


I'm using Betheme on Wordpress based on the pre-built Marketing 2 template.

I'm finalizing the translation of the website with WPML and I have translated the HEADER and FOOTER element templates.

Each one are well recognised in their own language back-end, but when I'm testing the front-end website translation, HEADER and FOOTER are stuck in one language.

I think maybe it has something to do with the "conditions" on the bebuilder of the HEADER or FOOTER which I have put on "Entire site" to work as a HEADER or FOOTER.

I tried different configurations but it doesn't follow the language selection...

Help please ?

(the Menu is well translated on its own, but not the header)




  • Hi,

    The Footer and Header builders were not prepared for the WPML translations.

    There is a global template for all languages, but the menu translation works correctly.

    However, it is on our to-do list so that template translations will be included in future updates.

    Best regards

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