Adding a search and dropdown bar to Slider Revolution

Hi there!

My client wants to add a "search job" and dropdown location fields into the Slider Revolution.

We have tried to use the following code but want the fields to be in the same line.

<form role="search" method="get" id="searchform" class="revtp-searchform" action="">

<input type="text" value="" name="s" id="s" placeholder="Job title" /> <form action="/action_page.php">


 <select name="location" id="location" <option value="sweden">Sweden</option>

   <option value="netherlands">Netherlands</option>

   <option value="austria">Austria</option>

   <option value="germany">Germany</option>

    <option value="united kingdom">United Kingdom</option>



   <option value="ireland">Ireland</option>

   <option value="norway">Norway</option>

    <option value="denmark">Denmark</option>



<input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="Find job" />


Do you have a clear code that we can use or another option for that request?

Thank you so much!


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