"Be Theme Update"


I received the ThemeForest email for "Be Theme" update.
Can you please tell me how to update "Be Theme" ?

I hope I can install the update in a simple way from the WordPress backend Appearence/Themes.

I tried to install  it this way : by downloading the file from ThemeForest and then uploading the zip file from Appearence/Themes, but it does not work. The manager tell that the file is already present.

I suppose I must first delete the previous version of the theme before uploading the new release… and suppose also that I must keep my child theme unchanged to keep my modifications.
But I don't know how to do, and I am afraid to loose my files or database.

I hope there is a simple way to update "Be" without using FTP.
Please explain me clearly the best way. I need a clear and step by step method, because I am french and don't master english.

Second question :
I don't understand this recommendation in the update email :
"You may turn off notifications for this item and manage notifications for other items from your dowloads."
What is a notification ?

Best Regards


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