Creating a blog header [or subheader?]
Hey! I'm trying to create a header (or subheader?) for the title of my blog posts similar to this one [], with the title and the image.
Is there a widget that does something similar? I tried several, but the image disfigures on mobile and tablet.
What I got so far: [print]
*for some reason, the font misconfigured.
I really appreciate if you can help me! o/!
Well, I created two wraps 1/1, one is with content, the second one does not have any content, but it has a background image applied (to the second wrap)
Then, I edited the section and turned on the stretch option and it works.
Hi Pablo! Thank you! I'm trying to do the same here, encountering difficulties:
• On mobile, the image does not appear in full, would there be a way to show it in full, and before the title?
• Is there a widget for the social share buttons?
Thank you!
And another question: Is there a way to change the text in the subheader to 'Blog', instead of the name of the post?
Hi Pablo, another question related to blogs came up: to insert the author of the post, usually at the end of the post, do I have to do it manually? I didn't find a widget for that.
1) You would have to create another section for mobile only, please check out the tutorial about responsive visiblity.
Section Responsive Visibility We have an item for column item, named "Social Box", see the shortcode:
Share Box - Betheme It cannot be changed, this is dynamical content hardcoded in the theme, you can only hide it for the single posts.
4) For now, yes - it has to be done manually because you are using the Builder template which removes all of the features from wordpress elemens.
But, we are currently working for including dynamic content, so soon it will be possible.
Hi, Pablo, thanks again!
But during the application some doubts appeared:
1) About social icons, I would like to insert telegram and whatsapp. Could you tell me how I can create these sharing links?
About the creation of posts by Betheme, I was confused. Please see this page made with Bebuilder:
2) Are there 3 ways to post? One just with wordpress, another just with Be builder, and another one, by default, that mixes a little bit of both? Could you explain to me how this works?
3) Could you tell me where I insert the featured image of the post on Betheme?
1) The social bar does not have these icons inside, you have to add it by HTML them, just type the icon and link near the social box.
2) Mixed content is not a proper way of making the website, please use single builder per page.
3) As in the regular post of Wordpress.
Hi, Pablo,
I can't say exactly what happened, but something caused a misconfiguration of all my posts. To explain better, please see this post The upper menu was deconfigured, as was the footer, and a frame was created around the page that did not exist before. And this happened with every test post I had created so far.
I'll try to explain what I did before this all happened:
1) About three hours earlier, I inserted code into posts to show share buttons. I did it through Addthis: I copied the code below and inserted it in the post:
<!-- Go to to customize your tools --> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
When pasting the code, the buttons promptly appeared on the page, including on the Betheme editing bar. Even so, everything worked as expected. The buttons I inserted are these on the left side of the image:
2) Just before I noticed the problem, I created a wordpress template document. My idea was to copy the code from one of the posts and import it into the template. When I went back to one of the posts I saw that they were all unconfigured.
The biggest problem is that now I can't create a post without it getting all messed up, like in the image.
Could you help me understand what happened, and how can I create new posts without this problem? Is there a way to recover the misconfigured posts?
*obs.: I already removed the addthis code from all posts.
Thank you.
PS.: The template I created using the same code as one of the posts is ok []
And that's how the posts should be.
PS2: I've already disabled the plugins and enabled them again, I've already cleared the cache and it's not back to normal. =/
Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.
Please attach a link to this forum discussion.
Thank you!
You had a custom layout set in Betheme -> Theme options -> Blog & Portfolio -> Blog, but you do not have any layout.
I have cleared it, and now it is working.
Best regards
Wow, I don't even know how to thank you, Phil! ??
There's one more thing I'd like to ask you, now about the posts page:
1) In categories, I would like them to be shown in the post like buttons, not in a drop down menu. I looked in the menu but didn't find where I changed it, could you tell me where it is?
2) In the 'read more' button, is it possible to change this text, or translate it into my language (Portuguese)?
Thank you!
1) Unfortunately there is no option to achieve that.
2) Please go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Translate -> Blog & Portfolio, and there you will be able to translate it.
Best regards