Slider Issues/Layer Slider Shortcode/Empty Slider Bar

Hello. We are having trouble with our website. We used to have layer slider , which we removed, but it seems to be causing errors with slider revolution. There is an emtpy slider bar at the top of all our pages that we can't get rid of. We even deactived layer slider but that didn't help either. When you go to this page a layer slider shortcode flashes across our screen. We need to figure out how to remove this extra "blank" slider bar. We have gone all through the word press and betheme dashboards and can't find anything else related. Please advise.


  • Hi,

    Please, go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Global -> Advanced, and check if the slider shortcode is not placed there.

    Please, also go to the Page options, and check if the shortcode is not placed there.

    If these places are clear please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.


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