PHP time limit won't update

Hello. I have tried to update the site php time limit changing it from 90 to 180 or 300. I have changed it in three different files including wp-config using: set_time_limit(180);, the php.ini file using: max_input_time = 300 , and finally in the htaccess file. No matter what I do the theme doesn't recognize the change in time and still shows the value to be "90". Do you have any solutions? Thx.


  • Hi,

    It could mean that your hosting has a copy of php.ini, and your changes have no effect.

    In that case, you should contact your hosting provider to increase this value for you.

    Best regards

  • Thanks. I tried that already. They spent quite a while on it and they couldn't figure it out. That's why I came here. Any other ideas?

  • This is a server setting, and your server administrator should resolve that. We do not handle server configuration.

    However, 90 sec of a time limit is not that bad. You can check if it is enough for your proposes.

    If you encounter any problems related to this value, then you should contact the hosting provider again.

    Best regards


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