Lining up buttons


  • Hi,

    Please, open the Section options Advanced -> Positioning and set the Wraps vertical spacing option to Stretch.

    After that, open the option of each of these wraps, and in Advanced -> Positioning set the Wrap content position option to Space between.


  • Hello- thanks for the information!

    It still hasn't quite worked

  • Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.


  • I noticed that you used columns to create this whole block.

    I have put on your page a section prepared by me where image, text, and button are separate elements, and with this layout, you can achieve what I described earlier.

    Right now I have set it to be hidden, but you can show it, see how it is built, and customize it for your proposes.

    Best regards

  • OK thanks- did you delete the section with the contact form as I can no longer see it?

  • I did not touch it, but I can see that you have a low max input vars value set on your server.

    When this value is too low, and there is too much content on the website, some of it can be deleted.

    Please, contact your hosting provider to increase it to at least 5000.

    I have restored the section with the contact form with the revisions option, so it looks like before. I also created a new page (BeSupport section bckup) with the section I created for you, so you can later easily put it on the home page again.

    Best regards

  • Hi, I'm sorry but they appear to have disappeared- I have upped the PHP settings but would it be possible to get this template again

  • Open the page BeSupport section bckup, go to Export/Import, copy the content from the field from there, open your home page, and with Export/Import import this content.


  • thanks so much.

    This is very close to how I want it- there is one more thing- the titles aren't in line?

    It would be great if the titles all started on the same line and same for text paragraphs

  • Please, set the same Height value in the Advanced tab for each Column Text element.

    Check how high the highest Column, and set the rest of them to the same value.


  • Hi,

    Just one final thing RE this element- it is all lined up but now the buttons are quite far from the text.

    Can I close this gap?

  • I can see that you set up 450px height for these columns.

    You can easily decrease it to 300px.


  • thank you!

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