Contact Form


Contact Form 7 I use on our page There were errors in the input

<div class="column one-second">[text* your-name placeholder "Ad Soyad"] </div>

<div class="column one-second">[email* your-email placeholder "E-Mail"] </div>

<div class="column one-second">[text your-subject placeholder "Konu"] </div>

<div class="column one-second">[tel* Telefon placeholder "Telefon"] </div>

<div class="column one">[textarea your-message x12 placeholder "Mesaj"]</div>

<div class="column one"><input style="background-color: #48c0bb; color: #FFF !important;" type="submit" value="Gönder" class="button_full_width"></div>

I am using code as above

How can I fix


  • Hi,

    It seems to be a problem that occurred after the recent Contact Form 7 update.

    Between input fields, it adds empty <p> tags which are causing the layout problem.

    Please, put the following code in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS:

    .wpcf7-form > p{
     display: none;

    But it would be best if you report this issue to Contact Form 7 support.

    Best regards

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