Menu Disappeared

My MENU has gone and no one can navigate away from the home page.

I disabled all plugins and then re-enabled them again, but no change.

Any idea what i can do to get it back again?



  • I just tried disabling all plugns and then the menu is there, but when i re-enabled the plugins it vanishes again.

    I changed my Theme to 2022 and the menu does appear, though not in correct visibility.


  • I forgot...

  • Found the culprit.

    SiteGround Optimizer.

    After disabling it, the MENU reappeared again.

    The issue appears to be in the FRONTEND panel, when i re-enabled the SGO plugin, i turned off "Combine CSS Files" and "Preload Combined CSS" and the MENU reappears.

    Not sure why this is happening, so if anyone knows where to look to implement a fix, please let me know.


  • Hi,

    Sorry, but we did not test this plugin with the theme. Our policy states that we do not support third-party plugins or custom codes.

    Also, we cannot recommend any plugins other than the ones we support. You can find the list on this page in the sidebar:

    So, in that case, you should contact the plugin author instead.


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