classic builder not working with editor role?
After a BeTheme update it automatically switched to BeBuilder view.
I wanted to switch back to classic builder, by enabling it in Theme Options > Global > Advanced > BeBuilder Blocks (i set it to "enable").
Now I can see the classic builder view with my wordpress user (= admin), but my customer does not (she is editor).
To me it looks like a bug (if you have editor permissions and no admin permissions - and it doesn't seem to show up there). Am I right with this assumption?
Best regards
I have checked the user with the Editor role, and it is working correctly.
Can you tell me the steps you proceeded with, please?
Do you have any plugins that could influence user privileges?
Please, check if the same happens with a freshly created user with Editor rights.
oh, sry, not a bug after all
you just have to fold it out ?
Good to see that you found that. ?
If you have other questions or problems, feel free to ask.
Best regards