Elementor not working with Betheme Enabled


We are on the Vbf website shorturl.at/hDJNR

and we created a page template with elementor BUT it does work only if Betheme is disabled.

Check here shorturl.at/dkDW6 - the page is empty despite it should be plenty of content

Finally, we cannot add anything. Once published, the Elementor options disappear.

If tried contacting Elementor, disabling plugins and other tweaks without success.

Please help


  • Hello,

    Please, turn off all of the plugins, refresh your cache, and check if the problem persists.

    Moreover, if you use a child theme, switch to parent, and recheck it.


  • Hello, thank you for getting back to me.

    There is no parent or child. Probably it is the parent one. (the theme files editor shows only one Betheme)

    we have done a step-by-step debugging process with Elementor support but the only problem was the Theme.

    Now, we have used Betheme for years and Elementor as well.

    We do not want to change the theme or design because of this. That's why we seek help.

  • Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • Done. Thank you.

  • Sorry, but the credentials you have sent are not working.

    Please, send them again, but ensure that they are correct.

    Remember to attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Best regards

  • Well. I'm very sorry for that. I resent them and verified them. I was in a couple of minutes ago. Looking forward to your reply. Thank you.

  • This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.
    logged in tempad.png
    4.94 KB

  • Your custom CSS from Appearance -> Customize causes this issue.

    I have commented it out, and content from Elementor appears.

    I do not know what you need this CSS for, but you need to remove it or rewrite it not to affect Elementor.

    Best regards

  • I was not aware of it. I will check it out. Thank you so much. You are amazing.

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