WP Bakery Page builder
WP Bakery page builder is not updating automatically with the theme. It says cannot be updated To receive automatic updates license activation is required. Please visit Settings to activate your WPBakery Page Builder. Got WPBakery Page Builder in theme?. But is that necessary for the working of the website when we first build it with WP bakery page builder? Or is this just a page builder, like Bebuilder and elementor? And when we want to make some changes we don't need this apart license? Or can we expect problems when ignoring this?
I build several websites with Betheme and have this question from one of my clients:
A recent WPBakery update occurred with many bugs, and we are holding this plugin update until they fix all of these bugs.
It is just a builder like BeBuilder or Elementor, so if you do not use it, you can delete this plugin completely from your website.
Best regards