Installing WOOComerce on Betheme Old builder
Hi, I built a website with the Yoga theme and it is not a store template. I now want to incorporate a shop page/store.
I see it is fairly simple to do on a Pre-built SHop theme (betheme).
Do I need to create templates? Like a shop page etc? (watched your tutorial- said to create a template)
Or is it already created for me with the template?
I am confused as I am not sure where to begin and I am not a web designer either....
It depends on the demo you choose.
Newer ones mostly have already created templates for shops, products, etc., but it depends on the project if a template is necessary.
If the template is unnecessary or you import an older demo, then the shop's style comes from theme options.
Best regards
The site is already built with the old betheme and it's live. I have not yet installed woocomerce as I am not sure if it will add more pages...or Do I need to create them with the templates.
:This is my site
You must create WooCommerce pages like the shop page, cart, etc.
Please, check the following link:
Best regards