Link same button once to a section only responsive for mobile and once only for desktop

I linked a button to a section (responsive desktop). Now I would like to link the same button to the same section but this time only visible for mobile. Therefore, I created a section once for desktop and once for mobile. Now I have the issue that I can only link the button (which is visible on mobile and desktop) to the section visible on desktop. Maybe the screenshot below make it more clear.

That is the button I am talking about ("Schwangerschaftsbetreuung") which should be linked to this section (desktop) -> currently working

but also to this section:

(same section but for mobile use)

This is how my link of the button currently looks like:

My url would be the following:

How can I linke the same button also to the section for mobile use? Thank you very much


  • Hi,

    The mobile section should have its own unique ID. There cannot be two sections with the same ID.

    You need to create a copy of the buttons for mobile display as well and set links for them to direct to the mobile version of that section.

    Best regards

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