Slider's not recognizing categories
Hello, I am having issues trying to build sliders. Basically, I want to create 2 different sliders, 6 pictures each, and my understanding is to have 2 different categories for them:
However, when I come over to the builder, it shows [object object] and all the pictures in different categories are combined together.
Hoping to hear from you, thanks
Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.
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What was the solution to this problem?
I can't select a category in the slides. It also shows only all categories, but not my categories.
But it works via inline shortcode. But this is not so nice.
Hi @s2muc,
It was resolved a couple of updates ago. I if have the same problem, update your Betheme to the newest version.