BeCustom login installation bug/error and question


When installing the BeCustom plugin, you get a message saying that the license isn't correct,

but it is, I am 100% sure, tested it on other sites with other valid licenses and get the same message there.

Even though the error appears, the plugin is installed and activated, so seems this like a bug?


There does not seem to be a setting in the wp login page section of BeCustom to change the button color. That is really missing imo.

So I tried to add css to the betheme js/css section but that doesn't change the color. Can you help me?

Css I tried:

.wp-core-ui .button-primary {

   background: #000000 !important;

   border-color: none;

   color: #ffffff !important;

   text-decoration: none;

   text-shadow: none;



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