Deactivate sidebar & buy button
Hi, i have 2 problems:
1st problem:
I want to hide the the following sites:
- How we work
- Benefits
- Offer
- Contact us
Hide means only making disable so without any deleting
(maybe i want to use it in the future). I want only one page -> HOME
2nd problem:
i tried to solve all of your offered solutions. Its not possible to hide the buy button. I tried it on Theme options-> Header & Subheader and On the wordpress sites properties. No results!
i have to correct title. Sidebar is not correct word, i mean the navigations buttons
You can handle that in the menus area.
Please see the following link:
Best regards
Hi, i could solve the second problem. But i cant solve completly my first problem. I need to disable /hide the menue. In your instruction i can only delete the menue. Any other options?
You can create a second menu, assign it as the main one, and return the previous one when you finish.
Best regards