Style and Advanced edits not saving

I am trying to edit some pages on my site and style and advanced changes such as color and padding are not saving - changes show in BeBuiler but don't appear in the preview, draft or published page; changes also aren't saving when using the standard Wordpress editor, so this does not appear to be a BeBuilder issue. My site is

Please note that this issue discussed at is not happening as this was already fixed several months ago.


  • Sorry as I did not mean to leave this under the "Font" category

  • Hi,

    Do not worry about the category I moved it to the correct one. ?

    If even the styles from a standard WP editor do not work, it could mean that your server blocks it.

    Please contact your server administrator, and ask about this problem.

    If she/he cannot find the culprit, please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you are sending is complete and correct.


  • I checked again and the color/padding does show up on mobile but not on desktop; additionally, icons on the site are no longer showing up on mobile or on browsers including Chrome and Microsoft Edge. This includes all site icons, including social media icons at the bottom of the site and all icons on the page

  • Did you contact your server administrator?

    If not, please do that.

    Moreover, there is a possibility that your website changes the URL from http to https, which is incorrect, generates a mixed content error, and styles are not loaded correctly.

    Your htaccess can redirect your website to http, so you should edit it and change it to https.

    Best regards

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