Styling of Read more button

Hey Betheme.

My 6'th site is being built and I would like to make a blog section with custom read more button.

I found the 'translation' for the text, but I would like to make something like this. How does it work?


  • Thanks for the reply. I have the query loops working, however, to build a 2 column slider within 2/3 of the width of a section doesn't work here, only full width. I understand you cannot give a full explanation, but can you tell me if it is possible to make these two examples? The first one has a loop on 2/3 of the left side, the 1/3 on the right is a basic container. I have to style the containers and can only manage to do that by placing the loop in a full width section.

    the second one has the post image on the left and the navigation and the title / excerpt on the right. I think I can do that one already.

    BTW really cool you guys are making this kind of things. For the non-coder very nice!

  • 1) Loops do not have to be sections. They can be wraps, too, so you can create a 2/3 wrap on the left with a query loop and a 1/3 wrap on the right with static content.

    The arrows have a position set to a custom, and I adjusted their location.

    2) Second can be done with sections as query loops. Two wraps 1/2, on the left featured image, and on the right headings and column text with dynamic data. Also, arrows set to a custom position.

    Best regards

  • 1) Loops do not have to be sections. They can be wraps, too, so you can create a 2/3 wrap on the left with a query loop and a 1/3 wrap on the right with static content.

    Thanks for the reply! I just tried again and I think it worked! Don't know why but so far in the wrap I couldn't make separate containers with bg Colors.

  • Did you handle this? The background color can be set in the style tab under item settings.

    Best regards

  • I did. Did give you guys compliments for the loops already? So cool to have more freedom in design / functionality. Two thumbs up!

  • We heard some kind words about loops, but it is always nice to hear more. ?

    Thank you very much. ?

    Best regards

  • In holland we say 'ere wie ere toekomt. ;-)

  • So I am building another loop and run into the different image size challenge.

    When I use a normal blog slider, images have classes and masks to always show them perfectly.

    How do I apply that to my loop? Do you know the code? Below is what I'd like.

  • Currently, there is no option for that, unfortunately.

    We are aware that this is a problem in loops, and we have this on our to-do list.

    However, if you create a loop with such a problem, and send me a link to your website, I can check if I can help you with a custom CSS code to achieve that.

    Best regards

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