Text beside the phone number without link
We have a legal obligation here to display a totally ridiculous text besides the phone number on our websites and tried doing that just by adding the text in the phone number text box but it adds it to the link and looks really bad.
Can you help me on how I can place this text (maybe even a little smaller) right beside the phone number on the header bar without it having the same link as the phone number? Just plain text.
Thanks so much,
You can use the Header Builder.
With it, you can create your header as you intended.
Best regards
Will that imply me creating the whole header with the logo and menu, etc?
Because I just wanted to customize the top bar that is above the header.
Another question I have is can I create a new one base don the existing one?
Because That would definitely save me a TON of work and make the new one exactly the same except some minor changes.
There are a lot of formatting and effects in the default one that I don't even know how to do...
There is no option to base it on your current header, and it needs to be created once again. You can use one of the pre-built headers available.
However, it just came out to my head, that this CSS could work with your current header:
Put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS, and check if it is what you wanted to achieve.
Best regards
Thanks a lot Phil. It worked.