Custom mobile header height with LayerSlider

edited April 2023 in Theme Options


I'm developing a website based on the ebook2 demo (centred logo split menu with sticky header)

I want to have different height on my Header for mobile and desktop/tablet.

From Global -> Logo -> Advanced I've set 120px height and 30px padding. This works great for Desktop and Tablet, but is too big for mobile, where I'd like to use the default 60/15 setting.

From Global -> Responsive -> General I've uploaded different logos for mobile devices with screen size < 768px. However, when I open Global -> Responsive -> Header there is a warning that setting a header height won't work with Slider Revolution. So I switched to LayerSlider, but the height option is not working with it, either - on mobile I still get the same 120px/30px settings from Global -> Logo -> Advanced page.

So, how to edit the mobile header height and reduce it without affecting the Desktop settings?

Also, how to make the Sticky header on Mobile NOT Transparent, like it is on Desktop (Sticky header background is the same as Top Bar Left background)


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