Help choosing a gallery component

Hi, I would like to ask for help choosing a component for my site that is build with BeTheme and WPML, I'm building the site using the BeBuilder editor and one of the design requirements is a gallery with category tabs in which every image works like the Zoombox block on BeBuilder, at the begining thought of using MuffinBuilder but all the rest uses blocks from BeBuilder that are not there, so tried using the tabs block on BeBuilder, the tab block does not allow me to add other block inside every tab, no problem, I can still run shortcodes, so I tried a few options, have some issues, doing things blindly may en up badly, hence, I'm here asking for your experience, is there any gallery that works with of your knowledge works with BeTheme and WPML that would allow me to do category tabs or do gallery shortcodes?

Know this is not a common question, but would be grateful for an answer.


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