How can I customize password protected page form?
Can you explain in more detail how you would like to customize it, please?
This is what I see when page is protected (for example this page: https://datisdesign.com/portfolio-item/power-bi-formatting-pane/)
I want to know if it's possible to customize the style of this page or use some of your theme elements in this page.
There is no option to add BeBuilder elements to it.
You can style it with custom CSS, but if you want to change the layout and add or remove something, you must modify the files.
Best regards
Can you explain in more detail how you would like to customize it, please?
This is what I see when page is protected (for example this page: https://datisdesign.com/portfolio-item/power-bi-formatting-pane/)
I want to know if it's possible to customize the style of this page or use some of your theme elements in this page.
There is no option to add BeBuilder elements to it.
You can style it with custom CSS, but if you want to change the layout and add or remove something, you must modify the files.
Best regards