I cant deregister + bad file name image


  1. i can't deregister theme from previous guy who made my website. i bought my theme, but i cant apply my code. i cant sign in to webpage to deregister domain beacouse i dont have his id code and he is not answering me right know. Can you deregister my domain or what should i do?
  2. second i got bad link for 1 of my image i think its error from migration from temp domain: heres code where should i search for it?

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                                <div class="section mcb-section mfn-default-section mcb-section-9a6a9b24b close-button-left default-width show-on-scroll" style="padding-top:125px;background-image:url(http://demo5.demo-strony.pl/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/car2_section1_line.png);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center top;background-attachment:;background-size:">

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  • Hello,

    1) You should be able to deregister the previous license key without any problem through Betheme -> Dashboard.

    2) If the links are still pointing to the old domain after the transfer of your website, please use this plugin.


    It will help you change all of the URLs in the BeBuilder and Theme Options at once without having to switch each one manually.

    You can also use this tool when switching to SSL and using HTTPS.


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