Multiple Categories

edited May 2023 in Blog


I cannot find any documentation on how to select multiple blog categories when outputting blog excerpts on a page. The Toggle Description of "Slugs should be separated with<b>coma</b>(,)" seems to be an error as well. How do I properly enter the slugs of the 2 categories that I want the blog grid to display (and only the posts with those 2 categories?). I tried the obvious option of inserting a comma between the 2 Slug names, but that isn't working.

My example: I'm building a page that will display a list of ice cream flavors. Some of the categories are dairy, some are non-dairy. Simple enough. But I also need to toggle between when a flavor (from either of those categories) is not in stock (via "in-the-shop" or "not-available").

Here's the page:

*** Update - I was able to find a solution! Sorry for the now unnecessary Discussion Post, thanks!


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