Update error


I have a problem updating theme:

Actualizando el tema Betheme (1/1)

Descargando la actualización desde https://api.muffingroup.com/theme/download.php?code=285de130-d708-45fd-b084-dc10c8f307f9

Descomprimiendo la actualización…

Instalando la última versión…

Ha fallado la actualización del tema.

Same problem in others webs whith the same theme. Differents licenses.



  • Hey,

    This message could mean that your license key is used on multiple domains. Please use the license manager to handle your license keys: http://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/36219/cannot-register-deregister-your-license-key-use-this-tool#latest.

    If you see (on our license manager) that your license key is registered on a single domain, then please disable all of the plugins and deregister that license key (through the BeTheme -> Dashboard).

    After that, get into the license manager once more. If the license key is still claimed - deregister it. If it’s not, register it again on your domain (through the BeTheme -> Dashboard) and try to update your theme a couple of times (usually, it passes after 2-3 attempts) - remember, all of the plugins have to be disabled.


  • Hi,

    Thanks. It is solved.

    The problem was that they had migrated from a local environment to a server.

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