White line in content on print


When ever i try to print out this page http://lauget.cbmediadesign.dk/bliv-medlem/ there is a white line in the middle of the content, i tried to build it with both VC and muffin builder, noone of it seems to fix it, i have also tried creating a new page, but without any luck. I dont know whats going wrong, i have tried to clear the text through notepad and everything.


  • Hi,

    we do not have any print feature included into theme so it is not possible to do this.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • Its not a thing i wanna do, its a thing thats happening, if you try to print on the page(ctrl + p) you can see there some of the words are missing, cause there are a little white space thourgh the paper. and i dont know why its there. See image here "http://imgur.com/LwniQC7" you can see in the top there is kinda a line going downwards, that remove some of the text.
  • edited July 2015
    But we told you already that we do not offer printing feature. Pages for printing needs additional styles and modifications what is not allowed with this theme.
  • edited July 2015
    But how does that matter, when its a bug and not a feature, im trying to report here, when trying to print out a page on the website, it dosent look correct, that can only be the theme, correct?
  • Sorry but we can't agree with you because this is not a bug. This is how modern solutions like hover effects and other stuff works. Many of them are not prepared to be printed because pages available for printing needs additional modifications and styles. This is how it works and that's why there is nothing to be changed.

    Anyway, we just did what you want. We printed your site and this line is not there so this must be something with your printer for sure. When we print your site, we do not such line.

    Hope you understand!
  • Its only on the specfied page, dont know wich page you printed, i tried with my customers printer and mot own, and you can also clearly see it on the image i linked, But any suggestions on how to fix it?
  • No, we do not have any suggestion because on our printer this page can be printed normally. And it's not theme problem on 100%.
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