Core Web Vitals Fail on simple Mobile Page

Please help us to improve the core web vitals for the mobile-first as claimed by the Betheme latest update we are unable to achieve a good score on mobile..

We have followed all the guidelines recommended in the Article below:

images in webp format - yes

Not using many third party plugins

Enable static css option - yes

using Cache plugin - yes

Cloudflare - yes

CDN - yes

Use performance options in Theme Options - yes

Please refer to the speed below for one of our services pages, the mobile score is really bad. Please give us some insights and suggest some improvements on the same, we are using Elementor.

Mobile 65

FCP 2.7s

LCP 9.1s

CLS 0.001


  • Hi,

    1) The Server response time should not be long if you use Cloudflare. You should contact your server administrator and ask to ensure that it is appropriately configured.

    2) There are many JS loaded on your website:

    You should get rid of some of them or use a plugin like WP Rocket to delay loading them.

    3) Go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Performance, and select an option to Apply recommended settings.

    4) Head to Betheme -> Tools, and use an option to Regenerate Thumbnails.

    It will help with explicit width and height problems.

    After applying these tips, your performance should improve drastically.

    Best regards

  • Thanks for the guidance. We are working on optimizing the website. We have another question related to the Core Web Vitals Assessment on Mobile:

    FYI: We have successfully added the Alt tag to the logo image though media library. but somehow its not showing. We are using the Betheme header builder. the header is not fetching the information.

    I have tried to upload the screenshot of the relevant section but could not (status 400).

  • Do you refer to the same website as in your first message?

    If yes, I can see that you use an old plugin version of Header Builder. Now Header Builder is a part of Betheme, and I suggest using it instead. Please see the following video tutorial:

    Best regards

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