There is a bug in the theme "Store Module"
Just like the picture shows
My store module below was originally like the above, four in a horizontal row, but after updating to the latest version it became four in a vertical row
So I replaced the "Store" module with the "Store Slider", but the prices that I hid with css are showing again after the replacement, can you send me the css code to hide the prices?
This is the css you sent me, which ones need to be deleted or changed, please let me know
On your website source, I can see that there is one CSS file missing.
Please, turn off all of the plugins except vanilla WooCommerce, refresh your cache, and check if the problem persists.
Moreover, if you use a child theme, switch to parent, and recheck it.
The problem has been resolved because the Perfmaters optimization plugin has disabled the WooCommerce script
The problem has been resolved because the Perfmaters optimization plugin has disabled the WooCommerce script
Good to see that found the root cause, and thans for letting know what was the root cause.
Best regards