I make global color and format changes, but they do not save or populate

Hello there!

I have the new Betheme Editor installed on my site and it looks great! However, I've attempted to make color changes to the entire global site theme, but the colors will not save. The editor works fine on individual pages and their options, but not to global site options.

I want to change the color of global fonts and buttons, and also button formatting. I have found where to make those changes, but the simply will not apply or save. I've tried several times, even refreshing and still nothing.

site: neoscdg.com/products

I have no screenshot to send, because I'm not getting an error. The changes are simply not saving. Please advise!


  • Hi,

    Can you tell me where you make changes, please?

    You can attach a screenshot showing that.

    Best regards

  • Hey there,

    Below is a screenshot of where I'm attempting to make changes. I've highlighted the places that show its location. Tried again today, still no changes made. Is it possible there's an active CSS or other plugin override the theme defaults? If so, that's outside of my level of skill.

    Could you advise?

    Thank you!


  • Indeed some plugins might affect it or styles assigned directly to the button element.

    Please first check the button options if there is nothing assigned there.

    If you do not see anything there, disable your plugins one by one, and check if it is correct.

    If this will also not help, please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact and we will check what might be the reason.


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