Hello can you please help to resolve WAVE errors on this web site? https://gtokatlidis.gr/
Every error message is pretty well explained. If the form is missing a label, you need to add the label to it.
If the contrast is low, you need to choose another color.
Best regards
Hello thank you for your reply. How do I add a label on the search field?
There is no option to put it there, but I will pass this on to the dev team.
Your reply is not adequate enough. please promptly advise how to fix below errors
Theme file modification is required to change that.
We do not help with such modifications, and you can try to adjust it yourself.
I can only pass this to the dev team to see if we can correct it in our theme.
can you please provide information on how which file do I need to change in the theme?
Please check files searchform.php and header-top-bar-right.php.
Every error message is pretty well explained. If the form is missing a label, you need to add the label to it.
If the contrast is low, you need to choose another color.
Best regards
Hello thank you for your reply. How do I add a label on the search field?
There is no option to put it there, but I will pass this on to the dev team.
Best regards
Your reply is not adequate enough. please promptly advise how to fix below errors
Theme file modification is required to change that.
We do not help with such modifications, and you can try to adjust it yourself.
I can only pass this to the dev team to see if we can correct it in our theme.
Best regards
can you please provide information on how which file do I need to change in the theme?
Please check files
.Best regards