Couple of issues with a template
I'm using the Eco4 template and I am running into a couple of issues.
1) I can't seem to change to logo. Right now there is an error. I added a logo in the betheme options but it doesn't work.
2) The big black line below the menu is looking fine but when I opened it up on a big apple screen the line went through the "traumaversterking" text and illustration (woman with purple background). How can I fix this?
3) In the Betheme options I changed the copyright text but it doesn't want to show live.
Thank you in advance!
Ah..I also can't edit the footer. Usually I could do this with the widgets, but now I can't.
1, 3) This demo uses Header and Footer builders, and all settings referring to these parts need to be edited there. Do you not have information about that in the theme options?
2) Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.
Oh sorry! The website is:
I checked to see the builder options but did not any mention of it in the global functions? Where can I deactivate it if it is active?
1, 3) Please see the following video tutorials:
Basically, you need to remove templates or switch them from Published to Draft.
2) I opened your website on the ultrawide screen, and I do not see this line. Did you handle this?
Best regards