Get rid of deafult max-widths for responsive layout

Hi there,

I recently stumbled upon Betheme and so far I really like it. The only thing that really takes out the fun for me is making everything responsive.

Maybe I'm just not getting it or I am missing something in the theme settings, but why do you add these strange max-width restraints on certain breakpoints? Can I somehow remove them without writing tons of custom @media query CSS?

And second thing: It seems that when I use the boxed layout (what I preferably do to kind of simulate a 12 column content grid with 1120px width), and add a value inside the "Side padding for Boxed Layout" under Global -> Advanced -> Layout. I'm stuck with that, no matter the mobile resolution. Changes on the spacing settings within the section itself don't show any effect.

So my question basically is: What is the best practice to create a section that has 100% width (and no max-width) with different left and right padding for all necessary breakpoints (where I can actually define the paddings)?

Thanks and regards


  • Hi,

    1) In Betheme -> Theme options -> Responsive -> General, you need to have Section horizontal padding removed for mobile display.

    However, I have checked that option, and at the moment it is not working as it should, but I passed it to the dev team, and we will correct it in the upcoming update.

    Also, you can increase Mobile site width.

    If you want to have full width on all resolutions, not only on mobile, you can activate it in the Section options:

    Or in the Page options if you want to assign it to all sections on the page:

    2) Please attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.

    It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot showing your issue.


  • Thanks ?, I will test this in detail and see if that will work the way I expect it to.

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